Thursday, January 12, 2012

A Top Secret Story

To whom it may concern:
And that's EVERY person upon this Earth!

     My true story is one of a young man who was groomed by the military to be a Hangman for Humanity.  I as placed on a Titan II nuclear launch crew, where we were charged, by OATH, to be the ones who would Nuke the opening and closing acts of "The Battle of Armageddon"...

     My Confession is: I was one who was there when, in October of '65 we got the curtain call to shoot 'em all, not knowing it was a terrible MISTAKE until it was almost too late!  We were going for the nuclear throat when we had the curtain slammed on our opening act and were sworn to secrecy...that it NEVER happened! But I know different, having been there as a main star of the final attraction.

     I confess I shall never be the same since that night, for a bomb went off inside my head and the fallout has been festering all these years, and some has manifested itself in the script, video, and CD.

     I seek at this time the person or persons who possess the brains, bucks, balls and the bravo to grasp the opportunity that this dark moment in history has to offer in redeeming enlightenment for mankind.


Key Hoe Tay

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